Tuesday, December 17, 2013


The 2013 Crunchies Finalists AND guess who won the Best Education Startup for the year?  Yes, the Hour of Code.  

Tech Crunch article on the Hour of Code.

The Best And Worst Gadgets Of 2013

Click here to see the Best and Worst Gadgets of 2013 .

Top 100 Sites and Apps of the year.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hour of Code

DSMS celebrates the global Hour of Code in Ms. Sammarco's Technology Literacy Class:


Hour of Code
Student commands the dog Karel to make a Smiley Face using her as the nose.
Hour of Code
Student commands Karel to place balls.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Handwriting vs. Keyboarding

 Which skills do students need the most?

".... handwriting could take a backseat to typing as technology dominates the way we communicate.  That’s because the Common Core standards, which 45 states have adopted, mandate that students take online tests as part of the state’s ongoing evaluation of student performance. In fact, according to the standards."

Digital Field Trips

Take your students on a digital field trip:  at home, in your class, on a computer or iPad.
Happy Educational Travels:

5.  Top 10 Virtual Museums @


Measurement Tools and Sting Meet

Sync Calendars Tip

Welcome to the world of Google, calendars and mobile devices.

If you are interested in syncing your child's iPad, your smart phone or other family mobile devices to school/teacher calendars (that are using Google) please explore the user-friendly resource at home to get started @ https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/151674?hl=en&ref_topic=13950

The step-by-step directions will help keep lines of communication and organization open.

PARCC The Next Generation Assessments-Resources

  1. All about the PARCC Assessments beginning 2014-2015
  2. PARCC Technology
  3. Glossary of Terms and Definitions within PARCC Assesement:  Version 1
  4. FAQ's

Social Media and College Entrance Reminders for ALL

Attention Students, Teachers and Parents:

Building Skills in the Interactive Net Zero Schoolhouse

Imagine, teaching and learning in a living science laboratory.  

See what is happening in Texas classrooms @ 


The building has connected passion to the students.  It is designed for students not teachers.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Smores: Create & Publish Flyers NOW

The days of printing are almost over.  Create, design and publish flyers for projects, events, classroom highlights ... with Smore.com

Do Your Students Know How to Search?

'And', 'Or' & 'Not'?  Boolean Searching Explained

Web Search in Plain English Video

Brain Pop Internet Searching Tips 
  • Quotation Marks:  "sand sharks" give you an exact phrase in your result
  • Hyphen sign:  sand -sharks will remove what you DO NOT want to appear in a result

Boolify:  An educational boolean web search tool @ http://www.boolify.org/

Students can find Primary Sources w/ Google News

Visit Google News to locate primary sources @ https://news.google.com/
